2018 Paint paper pink

Page 16 2018 Paint the Paper Pink Lincoln Daily News October 2018 CONTINUE ... Youngquist recalled that before he began CCAOnline and Lincoln Daily News, he and wife Jan were florists. He said that looking down the long, long row of items being offered up, he was amazed and very impressed by the level of talent and imagination in the room. Before starting the auction the Logan County Fair Royalty was introduced. Joining in the evening as “Vanna White’s” while Maske auctioned off items were Miss Logan County Fair Queen Molly Schempp, Junior Miss Julia Collins, and Little Miss Kylee Fulk. Joining the ladies and also lending a helping hand were their chaperones Katie Gosda and Brandee Montgomery. Maske, who volunteered his time for the evening, made quick work of the auction and yet pulled in some very impressive final bids. The top seller of the night was a candy bouquet donated by Kroger Employees at the former Lincoln Kroger. Smith shared the story that Kroger had promised to make a donation long before the employees heard that the store would be closing. When the news broke that Kroger would close on August 31st, staff moved quickly to get the bouquet done and turned over to Hargis, so they would be able to keep their promise to support Relay for Life. The Kroger arrangement hammered out at $500 and was purchased by Clay Jennings. Earlier in the evening, Maske announced that