2020 PPP magazine

Page 10 2020 Paint the Paper Pink Lincoln Daily News October 2020 Minimizing Pain We know that many women dread and even skip their annual screening due to pain. In one study, researchers found that 46 percent of women skipped their regular mammogram because the first one hurt too much. In another published study, researchers interviewed 2,600 women about their experience with a screening mammogram and found that 10-15 percent experienced “moderate to severe” levels of distress or pain. When women skip their screening mammogram, they may be putting their lives at risk. Our radiologists have made an investment in Senographe Pristina™ to help more women say “YES” to their annual mammogram! Ft. Jesse Imaging Center & Gale Keeran Center for Women believes that a test, which could save a woman’s life, simply should not hurt. Ft. Jesse Imaging & Gale Keeran Center for Women 2200 Ft. Jesse Rd Ste 120/130 Normal, IL [Melissa Larson Marketing Strategist]