2020 PPP magazine

2020 Paint the Paper Pink Lincoln Daily News October 2020 Page 19 Pink Pedal tractor gets plenty of attention at the pumpkin patch On Sunday afternoon the pink pedal tractor made its way to Gail’s Pumpkin Patch. The tractor is being raffled as a fundraiser for Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society. The tractor was donated by Central Illinois Ag of Atlanta and the drawing for the winner will be held on December 21st at CIA. The Friends and Family Relay Team is made up of members from Collision Concepts, CCAOnline, Lincoln Daily News and Lincoln Printers. Each year in October, the team spends the month raising money and awareness for breast cancer. The money is given to the CONTINUE American Cancer Society as a part of the team’s Relay for Life efforts. All the money donated is designated with the ACS to go for breast cancer support and research, with support dollars staying local to help those warriors currently battling the disease.