2020 PPP magazine

2020 Paint the Paper Pink Lincoln Daily News October 2020 Page 25 N ick Bekteshi and his wait staff at Country Aire Restaurant in Atlanta took a moment from their busy day to pose for a pink picture recently. Thank you to them for showing their support for breast cancer awareness month. In addition, Country Aire took on the pink challenge put out by the Friends and Family Relay Team and did a special fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. The same day, Karen Hargis took the pink pedal tractor donated by Central Illinois Ag in Atlanta and breast cancer awareness face masks made by the sewing group at Friendship Manor in Lincoln and set up a table to raise even more money. The restaurant raised $175 for the American Cancer Society by donating 10 percent of their day’s receipts. The tractor raffle and face masks brought in $430 for a grand total of $605 for the day.