2021 PAINT THE PAPER PINK LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Oct./Nov. 2021 Page 29 The final item of the auction Thursday evening was this witch with her broomsticks standing on a bale of straw. The piece donated by Graue Chevrolet and designed by office ladies featured the witch holding one broom with a couple of “spares” on the side. All the brooms were adorned with orange twinkle lights. Also on the straw bales were miniature pumpkins and a larger pink pumpkin filled with breast cancer awareness bracelets. The crowd had a very entertaining experience as the two good friends, both “car guys” in Lincoln, Erv Guyett and Chris Graue, battled it out over the display. The crowd got excited when the display hit the $1,000. As it kept climbing, guests were cheering and clapping. At the $2,000 mark, neither bidder was willing to concede. When the bid hit $2,500 Graue bowed out and Guyett was the winner. Throughout the evening, between 45 and 50 pink pumpkins sold in the auction and all sold well. There were battles between friends such as Nila Smith and Karen Hargis who were both determined to take home the basket donated by Sir Renna Tea and made by store owner Eileen Mullins. In the end, Hargis won with no hard feelings from Smith, but not without paying the big bucks for the pumpkin. To say that this year’s fundraiser event was a success would be a serious understatement. Between the silent and live auctions, the raffle and luminaria sales and the mystery bag sales, the event brought in more than $20,000 for the American Cancer Society. There are no words big enough or special enough to say just how grateful the pink pumpkin committee is for the generosity of those that donated items and the generosity of those who purchased them.