2017 Fall Farm Outlook

2017 Logan County Fall Farm Outlook Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Oct. 25, 2017 Page 35 A simple Google search using the words “grain broker” will bring up dozens if not hundreds of people and firms throughout the country who are anxious to represent direct sellers. The level of involvement varies, so the most important part of finding a broker will be to talk to and understand the broker commitment and determine if the seller and broker are ‘on the same page’ when it comes to moving grain to an end-user. Here are a few examples of people and firms found on the internet, none of which are being endorsed or recommended by Lincoln Daily News. Grain Hedge is a trading assistance company physically located in Bozeman, Montana with a large internet presence. The company has several online tools including the ability to search for buyers locally, within a 200 mile range of Logan County. The firm boasts online trading and selling abilities 24/7 and claims they can connect direct sellers to buyers from “elevators, ethanol producers, crushing plants, mills, feed operations, and other high-volume grain buyers.” The company also offers a personalized broker and say sellers can contact their brokers via phone or email. The list of benefits to the client/seller include: Personalized Broker, Direct Market Access, Trade Anytime, Anywhere, Hedging Made Convenient, Daily Market Commentary. Grain Hedge website: http://grainhedge.com/ GrainMarketing.aspx Continued ►►