2017 Fall Farm Outlook

Page 42 Oct. 25, 2017 2017 Logan County Fall Farm Outlook Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS lender should extend your indebtedness. The final area of a lender’s focus will be to measure who worries about your loans and financial position, you or your lender. This is a measurement of your attitude and confidence. If you convey to your lender that you are not worried or concerned about your business plan and your indebtedness, that conveys a signal to your lender that you are over-confident or falsely confident in your plans and your position. The picture of risk management you convey and your level of surety must include a healthy dose of anxiety about the possible outcomes for yourself and your lender. The first bit of trust you get will be a gift. That gift will be that you get to make your best presentation to the people you hope will be your lenders. The rest of the trust you get will be earned. Understanding that these focus areas are at the forefront of your lender’s mind will help you prepare, present, and succeed. Adapted from “A Lenders Focus in Agriculture Today” by Rich Ritter 2017.