2018 Farm Outlook

Page 46 2018 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS Oct. 25, 2018 the climate and organisms is literally the foundation of humans. Creekside was developed for the students and its Lincoln community. It is a small outdoor exhibit of everything environmental you can think of: 1,250 sq. ft. greenhouse, insectarium, education pavilion, bioswales, retention pond, restored grass prairie, pollinator plot, wind and solar energies, and new this year is the Wibben Overlook platform along Sugar Creek. The boardwalks and sidewalks made by the Rotary make the grounds handicapped-accessible. Creekside is considering hiring the Cardno Company this year to manage soil restoration. The treatment of soil erosion will be a boon to the different studies of soil by Lincoln Colleges’ agriculture, biology, geology and zoology students. Dr. Dennis Campbell added that Lincoln College has a transfer agreement with the University of Illinois for students pursuing a degree in agriculture. They must complete their two years degree to qualify for the U.of I. After presentations, Dr. Moriarty took everyone through Creekside to show what the students have been doing and different things they have encountered. Contact dcampbell@lincolncollege.edu to book outings at Creekside including school events. Sources: www.cardno.com Recent articles on Creekside: Lincoln College Receives Environmental Grant for Conservation Projects http:// archives.lincolndailynews.com/2018/May/12/ Features/TL051818_lcgrant.shtml On June 19, this ripe wheat field north of Lincoln would be harvested in a few days and planted for soybeans.