2018 Spring Farm

2018 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 22, 2018 Page 23 dicamba technology. It significantly reduces the volatility of current dicamba products.” “Pending regulatory approval, next year we’ll be out with a Roundup Ready cropping system that features the VaporGrip technology, which limits volatility and drift concerns 6 .” Kyel Richard, Monsanto’s Product Communications Lead said, “It’s very important to note that (Monsanto) doesn’t manufacture any dicamba products. That fact has been lost in some of the conversation. In the future, we will. But, at this time, it isn’t our (dicamba) products being used 6 .” John Fulton, former Cooperative Extension director for Logan County, said that some soybeans in Logan County damaged by dicamba actually were reported to have produced better than nearby beans that did not have any dicamba exposure, because of limited exposure and the hormone effect. It produced a more compact plant with closer notes and more pods. Dicamba may be good for Monsanto, BASF and DuPont profits, and may in fact be better for the environment than some other weed killers traditionally used, but dicamba is a strain on regulatory agencies and a detriment to neighborly relations. [Jim Youngquist] --------------------------------- 1 Weed killer turns neighbor against neighbor in farm country, http://abcnews.go.com/ amp/Lifestyle/wireStory/weed-killer-turns- neighbor-neighbor-farm-country-48683342 2 Dicamba General Fact Sheet, http://npic.orst . edu/factsheets/dicamba_gen.html 3 Illinois Department of Agriculture: Special Dicamba Training, https://www2.illinois.gov/ sites/agr/Pesticides/Pages/Dicamba.aspx 4 Prairie Farmer: Dicamba: What’s happening in Illinois, http://www.prairiefarmer.com/crop- protection/dicamba-what-s-happening-illinois 5 GLT89.1: Democrat Daiber Pushes Dicamba Herbicide Ban For Illinois Farming By Ryan Denham, http://wglt.org/post/democrat- daiber-pushes-dicamba-herbicide-ban-illinois- farming#stream/0 6 Delta FarmPress: Monsanto explains actions as dicamba drift fallout continues By David Bennett, http://www.deltafarmpress.com/ soybeans/monsanto-explains-actions-dicamba- drift-fallout-continues 7 Agriculture Victoria: Volatile vapour drift risk, http://agriculture.vic.gov.au/ agriculture/farm-management/chemical-use/ agricultural-chemical-use/spraying-spray- drift-and-off-target-damage/reporting-spray- drift-of-agricultural-chemicals/volatile-vapour- drift-risk