2018 Spring Farm

Page 32 March 22, 2018 2018 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS bipartisan support, to overturn the EPA’s rule on Waters of the United States. WOTUS is an encroaching regulation granting the federal government sweeping authority to regulate virtually any and every area of wet land—even puddles. I will work to reduce barriers to trade and roll back such regulations that prevent farmers from doing their job.” In June 2016, Rep. LaHood questioned EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy during a Science, Space, and Technology Committee meeting about the questionable science the rule is based on. This rule redefines ‘navigable waterways’ to include ditches, ponds, and puddles, thereby giving the EPA the ability to regulate everything from farm puddles to mostly dry creek beds. He later said, “Administrator McCarthy’s answers in committee today give me even more reason for skepticism that the EPA is conducting rulemaking in a transparent light, and based on sound science. The fact that this sweeping ‘rule’— which currently carries the weight of law—was written by unelected bureaucrats is cause enough for concern. But the dubiousness does not end there. Detailed, merit-based comments from the agriculture community were given to the EPA, but these were not taken into account when you look at the final rule and how it has been implemented. During my line of questioning, EPAAdministrator McCarthy could not name a single agricultural group that was supportive of the rule. The EPA’s rulemaking process should be transparent, accountable, responsive, and grounded Continue 8