2019 fall farm

2019 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News Nov. 1, 2019 Page 15 sources, erratic earth heating and cooling, the disappearance of animal species, and in a short time even the eradication of human civilization itself. Most scientists across the world say that they believe the extreme climate predictions and their models and the data support the approaching climate apocalypse. Other climate scientists and skeptics say that the conclusions are all wrong and the data is distorted to support these beliefs and that these extreme views are unwarranted. These pleas for calm sensibility are being largely ignored, and the majority of people now believe that a climate disaster is imminent. ---------------------- Since farming is completely dependent on weather, and recent weather prevented timely planting and in many areas totally prevented planting, a look at the climate of Logan County is warranted to attempt to predict if this is a trend, and determine if other weather changes will continue to interrupt Logan County agriculture. For this purpose, an informed source right here in the county was contacted at the Lincoln’s National Weather Service Station, Senior Meteorologist Ed Shimon. While most apocalyptic climate scenarios are presented as future anecdotal disaster stories, Shimon said that climate studies are actually the careful collection of weather variables and data that has already gone past. Climate is about the past. Weather is about right now. And forecasting is about the future. In climate studies, things like daily normal temperature, normal rainfall, normal wind speeds and directions are gathered. Included is information about the biggest weather causer, the sun. Charting the energy being put out by the sun and conditions of solar storms forms the backdrop for future weather expectations. Shimon said that the sun has been taking a holiday for about the last eleven years, with a minimum of solar storms. Solar storms put out more radiation and that results in warming trends here on the earth. Other sources say that since we have had little solar storm activity, the weather data says that the total warming of the planet over the last eight years is only .04 degrees, likely the result of growing urban paved areas instead of other causes. All this weather data has been collected for only about the last 200 years, a short time in the long history of our planet. It is charted in 30 year segments. Extreme weather data is also gathered and charted, and the purpose of all of this is to have comparison data of what has happened in the past. And on this Continue 8