2019 fall farm

2019 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News Nov. 1, 2019 Page 31 thought the lead insect problem for 2019 would be the Japanese beetle, since they were quite numerous in 2018. Yet the Japanese beetle, while present, was not as troublesome. According to the same report, while some pests are in decline, at least one thrived this year. Green stink bugs were very populous in southern Illinois. They reduce grain quality by causing seed discoloration. The best time to check for them is on a wet or relatively cool day. Insecticide can control them, but they are unusually stubborn for pests. Further reports suggest that farmers should be careful to check for stinkbugs during pod fill. In addition, spidermites, stem borers, and leaf beetles continue to be a problem leftover from last year, especially in soybeans. It seems that the late start to the growing season was both a blessing and a curse. Certain fungi and diseases did not get off on the same foot they usually do. However, as is the case every year, weeds and pests will only continue to adapt. In summary, every year weeds and diseases claim a percentage of production. New pesticide and herbicide chemicals, even natural Bt incorporated into seed, all lead to resistance development when doing the same thing over time. For optimal results, the best option to control pests remains the same, utilized good farming practices: This time tested, common sense approach to managment delivers more consistent yields over the long-term with the greatest profit benefit. Smart farmers keep ahead of returning pests by reading reports, talking with their chemical suppliers and consulting with expert field consultants such as those found at university research centers to learn what has been a problem this past year and get recommendations on how to prepare for next year. Sources Insect monitoring in soybean: what to look for during pod fill Peanut country soybean disease shows up in Illinois in 2019 Rootworm decline may save farmers money next season Superweed resists another class of herbicides What do low tar spot disease levels and prevent plant acres mean for 2020 corn crop? n change seed varieties n rotate soybean and corn crops n change practices such as timing and type of tillage n change chemicals