2019 fall farm

2019 Logan County Farm Outlook Magazine Lincoln Daily News Nov. 1, 2019 Page 37 wax beans can yield up to 300 bushel per acre. This equates to about 9,000 pounds per acre. With an estimated wholesale price of $0.87 per pound, the gross revenue can be as much as $7,830 per acre. Obviously there are risks that cannot be estimated or given a dollar value until they happen, such as drought and flooding resulting in crop loss, pests and in some of these vegetable crops in particular mold and fungus. So while no one is probably going to get rich growing produce, it is a viable alternative for the small family farm. It also has value to the health conscientious younger generation of kids growing up on the farm. With marketing options becoming more available in the region, these young farmers may find that horticulture is the new wave of agriculture in Logan County. Additional resources: https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ smallacreage/crops-guides/vegtables/ https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ smallacreage/crops-guides/vegtables/sweet - corn/ https://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/ smallacreage/crops-guides/vegtables/tomatoes/ Sample Budget for Small-Scale Commercial Tomato Operations - 2015 https://ag.tennessee.edu/arec/ Documents/budgets/tomato/ mallScaleCommercialTomatoOperations2015. pdf Find terminal prices by commodity at the USDA website https://www.ams.usda.gov/market-news/fruits- vegetables