2021 Fall Farm

2021 Logan County Fall Farm Outlook Lincoln Daily News Oct. - Nov. 2021 Page 17 from their equipment so they were driving everything inside and locking their machine sheds daily. Farm sales were becoming all the more important as equipment that had been previously considered worthless was being purchased so that interchangeable parts could be taken from them to use on more modern equipment. In addition, some manufacturers were shipping those incomplete tools to dealerships. Combines and tractors were being purchased without technology installed. Dealerships in turn were robbing old, unsellable implements of their systems. Though old and out of date, all agreed it was better than nothing and would provide some of the valuable digital information’s farmers rely on for their future farm loans. In total, the article surmised that the farmers were doing what they do best, adapting to their situation and trying to keep the wheels on the bus (or combine if you will) until the end of harvest. So how long will this shortage continue? In July an article published by Wengers “How the Microchip Shortage Impacts the Agricultural Industry” indicated that while there may be an increase in chip availability in the near future, the long term projection is that it will be 2022 before the microchip supply meets the demand. More recently, an interview by CNBC with Advanced Micro Devices Inc CEO Lisa Su concurred, saying it would be the second half of 2022 before the supply meets demand. In the meantime, other events of recent days are also possibly impacting equipment availability. Raw materials are in demand for items such as tires, and the unrest among John Deere employees could also slow production and delivery of new implements. Also being reported is a shortage of potash fertilizer as well as nitrogen products. What is available is not going to go for cheap when planting season arrives next spring. After Covid, Hurricane Ida has also had an impact on the supply chain when damage occurred to the Bayer Chemical plant in Louisiana. This is going to impact the production of products such as Round Up and Atrazine and other chemicals containing glyphosate. There is a reported shortage of resin used to make plastics. This will impact the supply Continue 4