2021 Fall Farm

2021 Logan County Fall Farm Outlook Lincoln Daily News Oct. - Nov. 2021 Page 33 and it is highly contagious. Losses would have national and global supply impacts for years and would carry an exorbitant compounded cost, including affecting grain sales if the disease would reach the U.S. In the face of the many potential interconnected obstacles and extreme risks, how does the farmer stay motivated? What keeps the Ag industry going? Fortunately, regulatory agencies such as the USDA, the Soil and Water Conservation and those who are most familiar with the workings of a farm, offer programs and assistance to meet conservation, disease and disaster challenges. Crop and livestock associations also provide communications, assistance and support. Our legislators influence farming successes by overseeing maintenance and expansion of critical infrastructure; policies on environment, labor, operations and marketing, and lobby for assistance where needed. It takes someone who has a good grasp of daily work and challenges on the farm; who knows enough when complications arise to represent agricultural needs on behalf of the farmer. Representing central Illinois in Washington, Continue 4