2021 Fall Farm

Page 8 2021 Logan County Fall Farm Outlook Lincoln Daily News Oct. - Nov. 2021 Infrastructure Bill LaHood’s current number one priority is the Infrastructure Bill, which includes money for inland waterways. When it comes to getting products to market LaHood understands, “Our system is only as good as the infrastructure upgrades that we make on it.” Illinois Soybean Association District 9 Director and Vice-Chairman Ron Kindred said, “The inland waterway system transports 60% of our soybeans. So it is very important to have access to move product in the most economical way possible to stay competitive in the open market place.” LaHood says the LaGrange Lock and Dam near Beardstown is a model example of what needs to be done on our waterways. Congressmen Rodney Davis and LaHood helped secure $75 million in federal funds to upgrade that lock and dam in 2020. The 1930s engineering, aged concrete and wooden weirs suffered significant deterioration over the decades from temperature fluctuations and repeated flooding damages and the locks frequently broke downs. In a carefully crafted plan, traffic on the Illinois River was shut down from July to October in 2020 for upgrades on five lock and dams that included work at Dresden Island and facilities at Marseilles and Starved Rock. LaGrange being a key down river traffic site received a complete rework: all new machinery, concrete, lock chamber walls, gate anchorages, utilities, control systems and the newest technology to operate the miter gates. LaHood said that lock is now one of the most efficient, effective, accountable locks anywhere on the river system. Now we have to replicate that at Pekin and up-river on the Mississippi. The Kindred family enjoys a light moment while visiting with Congressman LaHood. Continue 4