2021 Fall Farm

2021 Logan County Fall Farm Outlook Lincoln Daily News Oct. - Nov. 2021 Page 9 Continue 4 Trade policies Congressman LaHood says the Phase One marketing agreement with China, and the U.S. with Mexico and Canada Agreement are “two examples in trade that were done in a bi-partisan way that are helping our farmers today.” “Strengthening our position in the global economy through trade and putting pressure on China will also require Congressional engagement. Renewing Trade Promotion Authority and working with our allies on high-standard trade agreements that bolster our economic partnerships throughout the globe must be priorities in our trade agenda. Rep. LaHood is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, including the Subcommittee on Trade. He serves on the House Republican China Task Force and is the Co-Chair of the U.S.-China Working Group. He also serves on the House Intelligence Committee. Environmental policies The Green New Deal bill put forth in April this year by Representative Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, is a mixed bag for agriculture. [Read details in the proposed bill here https:// www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house- resolution/332] The environmentally focused socio-economic bill contains proposed climate change policies that would impact ag operations, but it also supports Ag interests in clean renewable energy. If passed, the Green New Deal estimated costs could be as high as $93 trillion spread over a 10-year implementation. In looking at the New Green Deal conversation around environmental policy and ag, Congressman LaHood understands that it requires caution. “We have to be careful that we are not over reaching and hurting what farmers do. Farmers are the best stewards of the land.” WOTUS update The 2020 Waters of the United States Rule (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act is an example of environmental policy that heavily impacts Ag operations. The legislation was taken up in a number of courts before,