2021 Spring Farm

2021 Logan County Farm Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 18, 2021 Page 19 T he business world is full of acronyms; short abbreviations that represent a greater idea, but take up less space on a business card. It helps to have a refresher on what some of the acronyms are for the business side of agriculture. 2501 Program The 2501 Program is another name for the federal “Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program.” Under this program, individuals are not eligible, but certain groups may get assistance. According to the USDA, “Higher education institutions, eligible conservation districts, eligible economic development corporations, nonprofit organizations, and non- governmental community-based associations or organizations that provide agricultural education or agriculturally related services to socially disadvantaged or veteran farmers and ranchers in their region are eligible and may apply for a grant.” These groups include African-Americans; indigenous Americans; Asian-Americans; Hispanic-Americans; Pacific Islanders; refugees; and immigrants. AMA stands for Agricultural Management Assistance. The AMA program educates farmers on financial risk and related topics, such as diversification, marketing or natural resource conservation practices. According to the USDA, “producers may construct or improve water management structures or irrigation structures; plant trees for windbreaks or to improve water quality; and mitigate risk through production diversification or resource conservation practices, including soil erosion control, integrated pest management, or transition to organic farming.” From start-ups to pandemic relief: a short-course on helpful Ag business acronyms Continue 4