2021 Spring Farm

Page 28 2021 Logan County Farm Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 18, 2021 Though the colonies are female-centric, male bees (called drones) are required for the reproductive process. During the summer drones journey out daily to what is known as the “drone congregation area” (DCA) to wait for virgin queens to arrive and after they inseminate a virgin they fall to earth in death. The rest of the time they lollygag around the hive asking for handouts, only to be killed and thrown out of the hive in late September when they are no longer needed. Propagating bees is the act of creating queens, and beehives known as Nucs (short for Nucleuses) for sale, having a deep understanding of the cycles of colony life and reproduction. Nucs sell for as much as $225 and are in high demand. How much honey a colony can produce is dependent on the area of the hive, how much rainfall and how well the individual colony does. Each colony is unique. Colonies from the same genetics in the same area will be different in production and characteristics. There is a great demand for local honey, and local honey can have medicinal effects as well as providing a sweet addition to food and drinks. Sasse’s Apiary produces local honey products and wholesales them throughout central Illinois. A sizeable operation uses automation and machinery to extract honey from frames and bottle it for sale. [Beekeeper facts https://beekeeperfacts.com/how-many-times-can-you-harvest- honey-in-a-year-is-it-capped/] Continue 4