2021 Spring Farm

2021 Logan County Farm Outlook LINCOLN DAILY NEWS March 18, 2021 Page 33 Logan County started making up rainfall deficits in March 2020, especially from March 11- 15, but averages and ground water levels are still low. The soil right now is defrosted and is soft and muddy on top, and dry below. Miller said the outlook for the next three to four weeks is good, with some reliable rains in the region, with the heaviest rainfall in Western Illinois and the Southern Ohio river valley. The primary storm tracks are to the west and south, meaning Logan County will get some precip but miss the biggest storms that plagued us in 2019 and 2020 and created such a mess. A warmer pattern is developing for the central plains, bringing warmer than normal temperatures to most of the country and will help dry things out. Predictions for this planting season say that seeds will go in the ground on time as mild weather continues through summer, with adequate precip in later spring and summer months, making for good crops and excellent yields. [Jim Youngquist]