2017 Home for the Holidays

2017 Home for the Holidays LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 22, 2017 Page 47 All of us at Lincoln Daily News send warm wishes and holiday greetings At this time of year, the days get shorter and they seem to hurry by faster than normal. There is so much to get done, and so little time to do it. And so, we at LDN designed and produced this magazine so you can slow things down for a little while, take some time for yourself, and let the stress just melt away. Take time to read and listen, be inspired by the words, the lyrics, the songs, get advice on how to plan for the holidays, get in the Christmas mood, and be inspired to enjoy time with each other. We truly believe that the home and family is the greatest treasure we can have. Sharing time with family, enjoying the warmth and security of our homes, and being together with loved ones is valuable beyond compare. It is truly a blessing from God Himself. All of us at Lincoln Daily News offer up to you our sincerest wishes for this holiday season. We pray that your Thanksgiving Holiday be filled with the sounds of laughter and joy, that your Christmas be a special celebration of family and faith, and that your New Year’s be a time of renewal and remembrance. May God bless you, From all of us to all of you, Lincoln Daily News From the Logan County Department of Public Health My hope is that all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, opinions and backgrounds, unite and come to the understanding that we are all one people. The “golden rule” is a rule we should all live by, and I’m a firm believer that we should love and respect our neighbors just has God continually reaches out his love to each of us. By striving to make this a daily practice, we can all do our part to help make our communities (and the world) a better place. Public Health Administrator Don Cavi From the Village of New Holland Wishing you the very best this Holiday season! Mayor Dan Dean, Clerk Annie Coers, Trustees Andy Evers, Steve Andersen, Joni McAllister, Leigh Ann Altman, Karol Blaum and Scott Kuhlman.