2017 Home for the Holidays

2017 Home for the Holidays LINCOLN DAILY NEWS November 22, 2017 Page 9 kind of genius, and the billions of dollars that must have followed. On the topic of gifts, I’ve never felt like I deserve presents at Christmas. What makes this one time of year so special that I automatically earn a present just for making it to the end of the year? This might sound weird coming from me, but we should probably take some of that generosity at Christmas and spread it out throughout the year. Goodness knows I try to get in whatever Christmas mood exists. I try to look forward to gathering together with people I care about and sharing an evening of good food and generosity. But I don’t need that to start in September, nor do I care to deal with all of the hassle that comes with shopping and trying to schedule get-togethers. Something else that fascinates me is how other people react to my mood. I don’t hear too many people disagreeing with me about the holiday season and all of the headaches, but nobody wants to change anything about it. They still somehow smile through all of it. I’ve only found one other person that completely agrees with me that we can absolutely ignore the entire affair. But it’s hard to ignore something when everyone else seems so determined to find cheer. Maybe that’s why so many people like the Christmas mood and hold on to it so hard when they find it. The rest of the year is always such a rush of work, school, household chores, and every other inconvenience - and everything always needs to be done at once. At the end of the year, even I have to admit that celebration and relaxation with family and friends are just what the doctor ordered. Like any other reward, that feeling comes with its own hard work. But if you do it right, the Christmas mood feels pretty good. But I stand by one thing - the Christmas mood does not exist in September. Now someone tell that to Walmart.