2018 Fall Home

2018 Fall Home & Garden Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2018 Page 13 I n central Illinois, winter always comes sooner than anyone desires. It is the season when the trees and bushes have lost their greenery, the ground grows hard, soon even covered in snow. The beauty of flower gardens and the productivity of vegetable gardens are now just a memory, and the life magic that was last summer is now on hold while the cold grips the earth. Even though the air grows cold and the days shrink in length, gardening does not have to stop until the next spring. The addition of a home greenhouse can give you a green sanctuary year round, away from even the winter cold and give you respite from the gloom and depression of even the coldest, dreariest months. Home greenhouses can be lavish affairs of glass and steel, and can also be modest buildings of wood and plastic. Both the expensive and inexpensive are capable of supporting green life inside: fruit, vegetables and decorative plants. In addition to being a human sanctuary, a home greenhouse can be used to provide food for your family. Green magic even in the midst of winter By Derek Hurley with contributions by Jim Youngquist Continued nn