2018 Fall Home

2018 Fall Home & Garden Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2018 Page 27 While the weather is nice, tree professionals are usually booked solid, and work from dawn to dusk, often scheduling jobs as much as a month out. Often jobs are begun and then finished some time later. Pruning trees: Why the dormant season matters. Homeowners usually spot problems with their trees during the spring and summer when they fail to leaf out, or show signs that their trees are dying. This top-of-mind awareness causes the homeowner to think of having their tree work done as soon as possible and leads to calling the tree professional right away. But there may be benefits to putting off the removal of those dead and dying trees. Think instead of delaying your tree job until the middle of the winter, and reap the benefits of your foresight. 1. While tree professionals are crazy busy in the high season, they are dead slow in the middle of the winter. During the cold winter months, tree professional companies are concerned about meeting payrolls to keep valuable employees, make equipment payments, and paying their own bills. During the middle of the winter, you are likely to find that tree professionals are very available and more responsive to your calls to do tree work. 2. During the middle of the winter, the ground is hard and frozen. This means that when the tree professionals drive their heavy equipment across your yard, it is less likely to put ruts in your yard, and do damage to your landscaping. A frozen yard is far more resistant to being damaged by both equipment and crew on the worksite moving in and out. Continued nn