2019 Fall Home & Garden

Page 12 2019 Fall Home & Garden Video Magazine Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2019 Finally, something that we don’t often think about, if you want to dig a large hole, for that Koi pond for example, outline your area, but do not start digging on the outside edge. The job will be easier and less taxing on your muscles and your shovel if you start with a small hole in the middle of the area, then work your way out, slicing soil from the edges of the original hole to expand its size. In your yard, you may one day decide you need to put up a fence. While hiring the work done is easier, it is also more expensive because you are paying for labor. If you have time and energy and the desire, then taking on a fence as a DIY can be very satisfying. But, it can also be a big chore without the right digging tools. The first video we’re going to share is a ‘how to’ presentation to walk you through the use of a spade and a manual post hole digger for your project. Post hole digging The take away we got from this was that with a spade, which has a longer shovel head, don’t start by pushing the shovel all the way into the ground, go only about half the length of the blade to avoid breaking your handle. The next thing we noted was, wear the right footwear. Because you are using the ball of your foot to apply pressure to the spade, wear a shoe or boot with a stiffer sole. A flexible tennis shoe sole will increase the risk of injury to your foot. The manual post hole digger is really kind of fun to use once you get the hang of it. But, it also requires a lot of upper body strength and vigorous use of your arms. While that might be fine for a smaller project, if you have a large number of holes to dig, you might want to consider using a fence post auger. Fence Post Augur | TRC Show and Tell For large projects there are a couple of advantages to using an auger. The most obvious advantage is speed. In the video the narrator said he dug a two feet deep hole in less than a minute. Additionally, when you look at his finished product it has a nice roundness with clean interior edges. The tool looks like it would be enjoyable to use, but it is also going to use a lot of upper body strength arm function. Continued n