2019 Fall Home & Garden

Page 14 2019 Fall Home & Garden Video Magazine Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2019 A nyone who wants to maintain or repair their home on their own needs to have a certain set of tools on hand at all times. But it can be difficult to know where to start when putting together such a toolset. Luckily, there are people already putting helpful lists together. Basic Home Toolkit for Beginners According to this video by Guildbrook Farms in the Appalachian region, choosing the right tools for a basic toolkit involves finding tools that will have a lot of uses and a degree of versatility. This would be the sort of toolkit that is useful in the home or on the road. One of the first things to consider is how you will carry your tools around. In this video, we see a common rectangular toolbox with trays on the inside. Size is something to consider because “as you fill [the toolbox] up, it’s gonna get heavy, and you want to be able to carry it around.” A toolbox with a space for larger tools in the bottom is a good idea for a container. The first suggestion is a hammer; specifically a claw hammer. Claw hammers are useful not just for hammering nails, but pulling them out if necessary. Some hammers come with a second, smaller divot for smaller nails. This video suggests having multiple sizes of hammers available. Next, you want to get a set of screwdrivers for your toolbox, particularly flathead and Philips Handy hand tools to put things together and take them apart By Derek Hurley Continued n