2019 Fall Home & Garden

Page 26 2019 Fall Home & Garden Video Magazine Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2019 G ardening is a great release for a lot of people. A fellow once said that his garden was his psychiatrist for a lot less money and with no couch involved. Gardening is a great way to exercise with a purpose and to gain self-esteem as you see all your labors of love develop into beautiful flower beds or lush vegetable gardens. Gardens are also social assets because it brings your neighbors around from time to time to see what you are up to or ask about a particular plant they might see in your lawn. Gardening is enjoyable, but it is also a good amount of work if you’re going to do it right. And, like any other task you perform from day to day, having the right tool for the job will make the work less taxing and more rewarding in the end. To start out, here are a couple of cute little videos that are not really necessary to the gardener for the most part. There are a couple of exceptions that will be pointed out later, but mostly these are gadgets to enjoy. Amazing gardening inventions that can help you a lot This video is just fun to watch. While there are a number of these tools that may not be ‘Til weeds do we part - using the right cultivating tool for your garden projects By Nila Smith Continued n