2019 Fall Home & Garden

2019 Fall Home & Garden Video Magazine Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2019 Page 29 It is also important to have a really good planting bed. The beds are best prepared ahead of planting to allow the soil to mellow a bit and to take in moisture or dry out excess moisture beneath the surface before planting. One can turn the soil with a variety of tools, from small hand held spades or claws to hoes and even garden tillers. The next video talks about some very common garden tools that most avid gardeners will be familiar with. All are intended to be used for turning and conditioning the soil from step one, preparing a bed, all the way through the season of weeding. Choosing the right garden tools for your vegetable garden While there has already been made mention of the small electric garden cultivator or tiller earlier, that machine is not meant to be the tool you use to prepare your garden for planting. For a small garden a small tiller is great and there are a variety of those available from electric to gas powered. The key to choosing these tillers is ease of use and be sure that it is big enough or small enough for the job at hand. When buying a tiller, be sure to consider what size garden you will have, but also how much muscle are you going to be able to put into the job. The heavier and larger the tiller, the more strength and muscle tone you will need to manage it. How to use a tiller / Tilling an overgrown garden This is a worthwhile video to watch because it gives the viewer a more realistic view of what to expect when using a garden tiller. Note that the tiller jumps around a bit and even though it’s a relatively small tiller, the turns are rough. Don’t be discouraged by this though. The tiller is doing a great job on the overgrown garden area, and is well worth the money it costs. Gardening can be such a joy for people, but don’t be fooled into thinking there is no work involved. Using the right cultivating and tillage tools at the start of the season and throughout the summer will add to the pleasure one derives from a lush green growing garden.