2019 Fall Home & Garden

2019 Fall Home & Garden Video Magazine Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2019 Page 5 Continued n D o you ever wonder why grandma or great-grandma had cabinets and kitchen drawers filled with pots, pans, and gadgets, yet it seemed that every time she cooked, she only used a few select pieces from her massive collection? Perhaps it could be that after years of trial and error, she found the few basic pieces that suited all of her needs. All those other items just became part of the collection that cluttered her shelves and occupied the drawers. The fun part of that was they were also the items that she had no problem allowing us as children to play with outside as we baked up our world famous “mud pies.” But, if grandma could give you some sound advice, it might be to choose carefully, don’t buy cheap, buy good quality, but buy fewer pieces. In the long run they will last longer, serve you better, and keep your shelves clear for more important things. But if grandma isn’t around to share that sage advice, then perhaps the second best person would be world renowned New technology for cooking By Nila Smith