2019 Fall Home & Garden

Page 6 2019 Fall Home & Garden Video Magazine Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2019 chef Gordon Ramsey. Ramsey notes, “You don’t need to break the bank to make great food.” In the video to follow, he offers an outline of what he calls the “core essentials” of cooking tools. Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Kit | What you need to be a better chef In grandma’s day, or maybe more accurate in great-grandma’s day, there were few things required in order to cook a meal. One needed the right pot, a stove, and the proper ingredients. Of course, great grandma also fried almost everything and the primary vegetable on the menu was a potato. Great grandma also probably spent her career at home, tending house, raising children, and cooking good food. Times have changed and so have we. Today the trend is toward eating healthier, expanding our vegetable intake to include less starchy items, and cooking with less or no fats. In addition, we’re busy people. Most adults have home, family and a job away from home; so time to cook becomes a precious commodity that we want to utilize in the best most efficient way possible. The working mom is not a new concept. During war efforts many a woman had to leave the home and go to the factory or other workplace while her man was away at war. Some did so because the nation needed workers and the supply of available males had been greatly depleted. The women went to work as part of their ‘patriotic duty.’ Others did it because they needed the financial security in order to keep those home fires burning while the men were at war. Regardless of their reason, they found that it was quite a balancing act and the marketing geniuses in the world saw that as a great opportunity. New products were invented that touted convenience and speed in the home and the kitchen. Some were not very affordable for the average household, but like women working away from home, the war efforts may have started the trend that today is commonplace. It may be hard to believe but the microwave oven has been around since 1947. The first oven sold to consumers was the Radarange. At that time, the oven was definitely a rich man’s luxury selling at about $5,000. In the late 1960’s more affordable models came on the market and by the 70’s many households had a microwave. Since that time, it appears that little has changed in the functionality of the microwave oven. They have become lighter weight, a Continued n