2019 Fall Home & Garden

2019 Fall Home & Garden Video Magazine Lincoln Daily News Sept. 26, 2019 Page 7 few more whistles and bells and much more affordable. The familiar sing-songy sounds of power surges as the oven cycles through its heating process are all too familiar and perhaps on their way out. New this year, a number of electronic appliance companies are marketing the new ‘inverter’ microwave oven. The concept is that it delivers steady power starting with the highest wattage level, then powers down to lower levels during the cooking process. So you may hear high volume sounds, then mid- range, then lower level sounds during the cooking process. While many of us enjoy popping our corn in the microwave or baking a potato, there are many cooking techniques that the microwave just doesn’t deliver good results on. Problems with the conventional microwave include hot and cold spots when food is done, and they do a terrible job, most of the time, in thawing frozen foods, particularly meat. The new inverter ovens tout a couple of great changes that will permit the user to produce a better food product in a reduced amount of time. On giant attraction of the inverter is that it promises to thaw meat evenly with no partially cooked edges with frozen center. Secondly, food comes out looking tasty. No more gray meat with the grilling and browning features (in various models). There are a number of these new wave appliances on the market. The two videos provided are just a preview of how they work and what they are capable of. Panasonic’s Cyclonic Wave Microwave with Inverter Technology LG NeoChef premium microwave oven : USP Video / Full The big setback, the cost. Don’t look to buy the new inverter microwave at the big box stores for under a hundred bucks for probably a few years. Right now the mid-range price for these ovens is about $300. Right now the electric products known by a variety of names such as InstaPot are all the rage in the kitchen. And, when used properly, they are a great tool for fast and delicious cooking. But, let’s get real. This is not new technology, it is a new way of delivering an age old practice of pressure cooking with a twist that it offers better control and perhaps more safety, with cooking options and digital timers that are “set and forget.” Continued n