2019 Spring Home & Garden

PAGE 10 2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 off to start with a blank canvas. In addition, you’re going to have friends, family, and new neighbors who are anxious to visit your new digs. You will give a better impression if you don’t have rooms full of clutter! Also, another really good tip…label those boxes with a marker, everywhere! First, don’t use self-adhesive stickers. On those damp days those puppies can come off then you have done nothing but waste your time and money. A magic marker is a great thing. Secondly, label each box in multiple locations. If you have help coming for the move it is not reasonable for you to ask them to make sure every label is facing outward. If you label all four sides of your box PLUS the top of the box, you’ll be much happier in the end. When you arrive at the new house, be prepared to be the ‘director.’ When a friend or relative is standing in the door holding the large television, or a group is coming in with boxes. They don’t want to stand there holding things while you decide where they should go. Have your plan in mind. Go visit your new home, and lay it out in your mind to a certain degree at least. And, another thing that is very important. You and your helpers are all going to get tired before the day is out. Remember to be nice, and say thank you. It will go a long way toward keeping temperaments in check. Be prepared to clean! A new home means that you are probably moving into something that is nice and neat, considered move-in ready, but it still needs to be cleaned. Make sure you keep those cleaning supplies handy so you can clean up the kitchen and bathroom in particular early in the move. Also you will need to do cleaning at the old place. Here’s a warning, if you are moving your cooking stove, be prepared for grossness! No matter how neat and tidy you are in the kitchen, when you pull that stove out from between the cabinets you will be shocked! Be sure to do that at least a couple days before your move, and then get some extra strength cleaner to cut through the muck. The same CONTINUED u