2019 Spring Home & Garden

2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 PAGE 11 could also be true with your refrigerator if it is located close to the stove. If you don’t have rugs, buy some. Don’t go overboard, you can find good used rugs at thrift stores everywhere. If you have a wet moving day, laying rugs in the high traffic areas as you come into your new home will help save carpeting and even hard surface floors from unnecessary soiling. On the wet days, rugs are better than plastic because with wet feet, the plastic becomes a slip and slide! Not good when you are carrying grandma’s antique table lamp into the house! And, if by chance you are downsizing, you are at the disadvantage because you’re going to be trying to fit a big house worth of stuff into a smaller home. This is when the sorting ahead of time really pays off. Just move what you plan to keep and use. A couple of years ago, local real estate agent Glenda Allison was the guest speaker at a ‘Lunch and Learn’ at Christian Village. She was talking to three couples who were moving from their larger homes to smaller apartments at the CV. She told the group not to expect that their children were going to swoop in and take all their extra stuff, because the fact is the kids probably don’t want it. Sure, there will be a few exceptions, but don’t think that you’ll be able to pawn off on the kiddos all the stuff you no longer have room for. Be objective when you sort, and come to the realization that downsizing means downsizing everything, not just the size of the house! Be sure to plan ahead and get as much as possible done early. The night before the big move you DO NOT want to be up all night packing last minute items. Get it all done to the best of your ability, and then get a good night’s rest. You may be too nervous and excited to sleep, but just the act of lying quietly can rest your body and your brain. On the day of the big move also remember to take breaks. Yes, you want to get it done, but give yourself and your helpers time for rest. Have plenty of beverages on hand, and remember to break for lunch. So, if you’re getting ready to move, will it be stress free thanks to this article? Probably not. But hopefully if you follow of few of these tips, it will go smoothly and before you know it you’ll be settled in nicely at your new place. Good Luck!