2019 Spring Home & Garden

2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 PAGE 13 any situation. Lipford has one specific article entitled, Dealing the Storm Damage to your Home, that offers a bulleted list of tasks you will need to perform and also cautions you on what to do and not do to stay safe after the storm. Website: Today’s Homeowner with Danny Lipford https://www.todayshomeowner.com/ dealing-with-storm-damage-to-your-home/ Some of the best advice Lipford gives is to be well aware of what your insurance policy covers and doesn’t cover, and to contact your insurance agent as soon as possible after you determine you have claimable damage. One hazard homeowners face may be something is not covered by a standard insurance policy - flood damage. In most cases, flood insurance is a rider that is added onto your policy at an additional cost. If you don’t have this insurance then flooding in your basement due to heavy rains may not be covered. That could mean that the clean-up and repair for this damage is on you and you alone. If water rises above the foundation level and enters the main floor of your home, it may not be covered. If you live in a flood plain, your insurance agent may have encouraged you to buy that extra coverage, but if you don’t, you aren’t required to buy it, but you may want to consider it after you’ve seen the following video. To repair and restore your home after flood damage is a tremendous amount of work. If you are handy you can do it yourself like this fellow did, but if you have to hire a flood clean-up company, they are expensive. So, judge for yourself, is this a task you would be willing and can afford to take on. Flood Clean-up - 5 Steps Including Mold Control One of the first tips this video offers is to document your damage before you start cleaning up. Again, know your insurance policy and know what you may be able to claim. If you have any thing you can claim coverage on, then make sure that you notify your insurance agent before you begin working. The second important tip in this video is to remember that water in your home is a health hazard. Wear protective clothing and a dust/ mold mask over your nose and mouth, eye protection and gloves. CONTINUED u