2019 Spring Home & Garden

2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 PAGE 15 If you watch all the Luck A videos, which is going to take you quite a bit of time, one lesson is that in a major house fire, there is a lot of work involved. So, if you have the insurance or the financial wherewithal to hire contractors to do the repairs, you may want to consider that. Along that line, hiring a contractor is a challenge in itself. Before you hire a contractor we suggest you watch this video. The person presenting is a little harsh and overly animated, but at the same time, he makes some very good points. The four best pieces of advice in the video are don’t tell the contractor what you are willing to spend, never say “there’s no hurry,” and don’t pay up front. We would add to that, if the contractor says he needs partial payment up front, then tell him or her you will pay for materials as they are purchased, but you will not pay any labor until the job is done. The labor is the contractor’s profit margin, so holding back on that amount will drive them to get your job done. And finally get it in writing. Don’t rely on the handshake agreement even when you know the person or company. It is in everyone’s best interest to get a written agreement for the job. Seven Things to NEVER say to a Contractor Kitchen fires are very common, and often are contained to a smaller area, not engulfing the entire home. Most commonly these fires are grease fires, caused by something overheating as you cook. There are also hazards if you have grease buildup around your gas burners on the stove or in your oven or broiler. These are fires that may be extinguished before they cause any real structural harm. But they leave behind smoke and odor. This video offers practical tips on how to clean up the smoky mess. Cleaning Tips : Clean Up After a Grease Fire CONTINUED u