2019 Spring Home & Garden

2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 PAGE 19 A septic tank made of plastic, fiberglass, or concrete that is properly designed is odor-free and should last about 50 years. Stuart Meade from Meade Septic Design, Inc. explains in the video below, “The longevity of your septic system is directly linked to proper maintenance and the amount and strength of waste water you put into your system.” Cigarette butts, coffee grounds, lint from synthetic fibers, household chemicals, and solid waste from garbage disposals don’t break down and need to be removed from the septic tank. A homeowner can check the level of sludge in the bottom of the tank if they are not too squeamish about such things, however, there are professionals that will pump the tank and inspect the area for any maintenance issues that need to be resolved. “Pumping your septic tank is expensive but it’s also a necessity.” The most common cause of septic system problems is the failure to pump out the septic tank on a regular basis. When Should I Pump My Septic Tank? Roots from trees and shrubbery can also be a problem for septic tanks. Not only can they cause damage to the tank itself, but roots can cause serious flow problems when they plug and block drain pipes. Rainfall, snowmelt, and flooding can prevent a drain field from operating and may even cause groundwater to flow back into the septic tank. In extreme cases, a tank may become loose and float in the ground causing it to fail. How to rid roots from sewer/spectic While proper maintenance and inspections are necessary to keep a septic tank working appropriately there are some household tips How does a septic system work? CONTINUED u