2019 Spring Home & Garden

PAGE 28 2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 Water witching video Reasons to need a new well vary. If you have built a new home where there is no existing well, then before you can inhabit the house a source of potable water must be found and tapped. Old wells can go dry, or become contaminated, making a new well necessary. And the equipment, casing, and infrastructure of an old well can go bad with age and corrosion, requiring a new well. Today’s modern well construction should last through fifty to sixty years of use. The process begins with the selection of a well drilling company (well drilling is not a DIY project). It is recommended that you research all the companies within a one hundred mile radius of your home. Interview them by phone, asking questions about their company history (how long they have been in business), whether they have drilled wells in your area (and their experience with the depth of drilled wells in your area), and ask about their guarantee. What you want is a company with many years of experience that will guarantee they will bring in quality water for your home. Once you have made your driller selection, you should get an estimate. Don’t confuse an estimate with a quote. All well drilling operations operate on time and material. They can only estimate how much your project CONTINUED u