2019 Spring Home & Garden

2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 PAGE 35 CONTINUED u You can purchase oaks, maples, and other large trees at the Allsworth Christmas Tree Farm southeast of Mount Pulaski. In addition, finding a nursery that sells mature trees will likely provide some guidance both for tree choices and planting guidelines. Certified arborists Mark Chisolm and Melissa LeVangie share several specific tips on what you should look for in buying good quality trees. LeVangie says when you look over the trees, you should examine the root system to make sure roots are not damaged, twisted, crushed or torn, but are cut cleanly. Circling roots can also be problematic as they may kill other roots or smother the stem as the tree grows Whether the tree is in burlap or in a container, you should be able to see the trunk flare, which is the base that connects to the roots. The root ball should be ten to twelve times the trunk’s diameter when measured six inches above the flare. If this root ball is too small, the tree may not survive. Make sure you check the trunk of the tree for cracks, wounds, cuts from poor pruning and injuries from insects. Cracks can be present for years before they cause trees to fracture. Inspect the branches to see if they are spaced evenly or attached strongly to the trunk. If the branch and trunk are squeezed together, it may later lead to broken or cracked branches especially during storms. Too many branches at the same level on the trunk may also cause problems. Chisholm says a tree with well-spaced branches, crack free trunks and a good root system is more likely to do well. See the tips for buying good quality trees at ‘Tree Care Tips: Buying High Quality Trees’ Gardening specialist Jessica Smith says you need to plan where to plant the tree and make sure you have an area large enough to that will allow for growth. You do not want to have a