2019 Spring Home & Garden

2019 SPRING HOME & GARDEN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS MAY 2, 2019 PAGE 7 you are currently buying renters insurance. Some companies do offer coverage for property in transit or in storage, but the agent must be notified. Start packing early. Be a sorter first. Go room to room and take inventory of what you have. Sort out everything in the room into three categories - keep, donate, trash, and be honest with yourself. If you’ve had it stuck in a box for a year and can’t even remember where it came from ... donate it. If you love it and know you will have room to set it out to be appreciated in your new home, then keep it. If it is worn out and worthless….then toss it. You’ll thank yourself when it is time to unpack if you do your sorting before you move. Look at the rooms in your house. How often do you utilize the room? If it is not often, then get to work and pack that room up first. Then move on to another. Home décor items throughout the house are nice, but not necessary to daily living, so go ahead and pack those up as well. The rooms you live in are a bit more tricky. In the bed and bath, chances are you need most of the things that are in those rooms on a regular basis. You can sort through the closet and if you have a lot of clothing and shoes, pick out a week’s-worth of clothing to keep accessible. Everything else, get packing! Once you start packing, there are some good “hacks” and advice in these two videos. Be sure to check them out! 12 moving hacks you should know Frugal Moving Tips + Making Life Easier A favorite pack-hack is to use garbage bags with draw string closures. Group your clothing on the hanger, pull the bag up over the clothing and use the drawstrings to secure the bag around the neck of the hangars. Keep those bags in your closet until moving day, then just grab the bunch by the hangar hooks and carry them out to lay out nicely in the back of a vehicle. CONTINUED u