2020 Fall Home Improvement

2020 FALL HOME IMPROVEMENT Lincoln Daily News September 24, 2020 Page 7 Before you make any final payments, try to live with any renovations or major changes made to your home to make sure you’re satisfied. Even with a warranty, it’s a lot easier to get the contractor to make any additional changes before you’ve started paying existing bills. When you’re comfortable, and you’re sure, then make your final payment. Don’t hesitate to speak up about something you don’t understand, both during the project, and while hammering out a contract. Feel free to ask them to explain conditions or terminology you don’t understand. It’s better to clarify all aspects of the job before work begins to avoid misunderstandings later. Finally, don’t try to rush the process. If you are hiring someone to do a big project, take the time to find the right person. Once the project starts, make sure you have patience. Even a great contractor doesn’t always have the patience to deal with overly pushy clients. If you’re confident they know what they’re doing, and you’ve gone through all of these steps carefully, you’ll have a renovation done and ready to go in no time.