2020 Fall Home Improvement

2020 FALL HOME IMPROVEMENT Lincoln Daily News September 24, 2020 Page 9 “connect” and water pouring down the walls at every rain, to tearing down load bearing walls and having the roof cave in; there are so many things that can go wrong when you try to do your own home improvement project. According to “Angie’s List,” often times the cost to repair the epic fails far exceeds what it would have cost had you hired a professional to start with. In another story in this Fall Home Improvement Magazine, it talks about how complicated the codes for construction can be and why even when we are intelligent and somewhat handy around the house, hiring a professional is still a good investment. Not your first option First, is the expansion really necessary? According to an article published in “The Spruce,” How to Build a Room Addition With Contractors (https://www.thespruce.com/ building-a-room-addition-advice-1821276) , building onto your home should not be your first option, but rather your last. Before you build, survey your current space to see if you are utilizing it well. Declutter areas that feel crowded, and look at small changes in the home that will have the largest impact, such as better storage or less furniture. Also before you build, talk to your local realtor. If the home may go on the market one Continued n