2021 Spring Home and Garden

2021 Spring Home & Garden LINCOLN DAILY NEWS April 22, 2021 Page 13 A fter being stuck inside during the winter season, many look forward to the blooming of spring. Spring is a time to renew, refresh, reorganize, and reenergize. Many use this season to start home remodeling or redecorating. However, you don’t have to wait until the day you have everything new, and the conditions are perfect. Instead, care for your home and your family with what you have. If you do not have a lot of money to put toward your aspirations an alternative is to rearrange the furniture to spruce up the living areas. Whether you are looking to refresh the bedroom, dining room or living room, moving the furniture can make a world of difference. Five Best Living Room Layouts Since numerous property owners use spring as a time to deep clean their home, moving the furniture helps to reach every nook and cranny while giving a home a really good scrubbing. One might find a book, a set of keys, toys, or a sock they lost months before. It’s a great time to rearrange all the furniture! CONTINUED u