2020 pet magazine

2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 Page 25 Cutest /Most Cuddly This is Twitch. Summer of 2019 I was living by myself and knew I wanted a cat, well preferably a kitten. So i decided to go to the humane society here in Lincoln to find me a sweet kitten. When I arrived I went into all the cat rooms and i started with the older cats because i “knew” i wouldn’t want an older cat. I went into the room and Twitch and one other cat caught my eye, but Twitch was extra sweet. I went into all the other cat rooms thinking i would find my perfect kitten, but instead i found my perfect cat. So instead of an energetic kitten I came home with a calm, cuddly 13 year old cat named Twitch. Owner: Rachel Marcolini