2020 pet magazine

Page 34 2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 mom decided it would be best to surrender the puppies. There were many people who requested to adopt one or two of the dogs, but Hert was having trouble finding someone willing to take all three. One applicant was approved and then backed out at the last minute. At this point, there were many followers of Ruby’s Rescue and Retreat who offered to help with adoption fees in order to keep the puppies together. Jeannie applied thinking she would never hear back about her application. Shockingly, four days later she got an email from Hert that the references had not responded. Jeannie contacted them requesting a positive recommendation. It was soon after that she saw on the Face book page, “Adoption Pending.” She said to Roger, “Do you think she’s talking about us?” As soon as Jeannie read, “You’ve been approved” she thought, “What have I done?” Being super detailed, Jeannie started adding up the pros and cons of having three dogs living in her house. It was hard for her to believe that she was about to adopt three Shih Tzu’s. Roger told her, “Let God decide. If He wants us to have them then we’ll get them.” Her best friend told her to “stop over thinking things.” With encouragement from others, the Bakken’s welcomed Truman, Preston and Jasmine into their home in December 2019. The Bakken’s weren’t sure they were going to be able to pick up the puppies right away because they already had plans for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. They were worried about getting the trio and leaving them alone in the house for long periods of time. A dear friend and neighbor, Bob Duvall, who had been invested in the adoption process, offered to help with the puppies while the Bakken’s were busy. He declared himself the “Dogfather” to the puppies and has been involved since the first day the dogs were rescued. Truman, the oldest, is nine years old. He is a little overweight at 21 pounds, which is big for a Shih Tzu. He prefers to play with humans, enjoying wrestling when it is offered to him. As the Alpha male, he is a little more demanding than his siblings and is having a little trouble adjusting to Roger, but after 30 days things between the two are improving. When tired, Truman sometimes acts like a cranky old man and is better off left alone. Continued Truman, Jasmine and Preston.