2020 pet magazine

2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 Page 35 Preston is six years old. He is deaf and endeared to his sister Jasmine. He is the orneriest of the three, allowing his nose to get him into tight spaces he can’t get out of by himself. He is a “daddy’s boy” and cries for Roger when he needs attention. The Bakken’s are working on hand signals to communicate with Preston since he can’t hear their verbal commands. Jasmine, the only girl and sweetest of the Trio, is also the youngest. She is happy to sit in someone’s lap and demand their affection. She loves to play ball and play with Preston. She is super-sweet and enjoys taking care of Preston, letting him know when it is time to get up in the morning, someone is at the door, and it is time to go outside. Ruby’s Face book page had over 2,000 people respond to the adoption, so Jeannie started a page called “Just for ShihTzus & Giggles” so those interested could keep up with the trio. To date, there are 450 members following the page. The page is updated with puppy antics and pictures. The Bakken’s will soon be taking the dogs to Petsmart to help Hert with a fundraiser for Ruby’s Rescue and Retreat. They want to be ambassadors for Hert and the work she is doing to save dogs. It’s only been a month, but the Bakken’s are having a wonderful time with their family members. Jeannie concludes on her Face book page, “These 3 have been such a blessing! They have turned our lives upside down in every possible way, and we are loving every minute of it!” [Lisa Ramlow] Preston is deaf. Likes to sleep with his sister so he knows when it’s time to get up.