2020 pet magazine

Page 4 2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 “And on the sixth day, just before He rested, God created animals, and He said, ‘Now, this is very, very good!” The symbiosis and relationship people have with their pets is indeed a gift from the divine. These domesticated animals fit in so well with our psyche, with our needs, and with our families, that it can’t be anything less than miraculous. Pets help fill the gap in our aloneness. They allow us to express affection, and receive it back. They help us explore the corners of our souls, and often serve as models for future relationships: If you want a baby, they say get a dog first. If you are about to have teenagers, get a cat to discover what that’s gonna be like. Wearing dog hair or cat hair on our clothes is a badge of honor, and often gets conversations going with strangers. And talking about our pets is a lot like talking about our kids, often with less complaining. When we care for them greatly, take care of their needs, and also fulfill their emotional needs, a deep bond forms and you can see the unconditional love in their eyes. They become our playmates, our confidants, our comedians and even our counselors. They accompany us in our youth, and are companions in our old age. They serve as balm for our every malady, an encouragement when we are feeling down, and the perfect model for right relationships. Finally someone reasonable to talk to! When we seek out a pet, are we rescuing it or is it rescuing us? But they’re not just pets. They’re quite something more. They’re family! [LDN] [Animal Stories - Intro]