2020 pet magazine

2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 Page 41 Animal stories The rescue of Winnie Claire Sometimes fate intervenes to bring soulmates together. We were asked to help transport an older chug from Arizona to Minnesota (to a no kill shelter) in December, 2018, but fate intervened. We met Winnie Claire the night before the transport. She looked at us with these big brown sad eyes, with her little underbite jaw quivering then leaped into my arms, put her paws around my neck and did some happy, sloppy kissing for 10 minutes. Her next move was to lay on her back, with all four legs in the air, exposing her tummy. Then came the wiggle butt move. Her sad face lit up when we talked to her and hugged her. She needed us and we realized quickly that we needed her! Winnie Claire has had two knee surgeries and we walked her all over town in a stroller for months. Although the surgeries did not have the outcome we were hoping for, she is back to walking and you will see us walking her all over town. She loves to hug and kiss and snuggle, especially in bed in the morning! Besides walking, eating, licking, chewing on squeaky toys, her favorite activity is to ride in the car with us. What is meant-to-be will always find a way! People say Winnie is so lucky, but the truth is, her Mamas are the lucky ones! “ [Jan Gleason]