2020 pet magazine

Page 48 2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 Burbage noted that the pet owner assumes that when they move out, someone will come in and check the home to prepare for the next renter. They reason that the dog will not be there long. Logan County Animal Control is called for those animals and they are taken into the care of the county. The problem is now that the animal is officially tagged as a stray, and HSLC cannot take it. Animal Control works with a no-kill animal rescue and reducing the number of euthanasia. There are rare exceptions when Animal Control will contact HSLC and speak with a volunteer about a specific animal, and in some cases the HSLC can justify taking the animal under its guidelines. The HSLC adoption center for displaced pets serves the community by cutting down the population of strays. Mary Dowdel (left) and Wanda Stevens The HSLC wants these pets to be “good citizens” in their community. They work on acceptable behaviors not just in their new home, but in their new neighborhood. Volunteer Wanda Stevens works a great deal with the dogs. Burbage is one of several volunteers constantly working with animals and people to find the right match-ups, so that when adopted animals and their human friends will be happy and enjoy a long and rewarding relationship. Burbage says people may believe they are choosing the animal; a little known reality is that the animal chooses them. The animals who come to the shelter get excellent treatment. Volunteers have seen extraordinary moments, when the waiting animal meets the one person who checks all their personal boxes. Sometimes, when that person arrives the animal reaction is instantaneous to the positive interaction with the human. Case in point, Burbage talked about a dear sweet Pit-mix who had been at the shelter for a while. First, she said, Pits get a bad rap, but when cared for and loved, they are the most loving, friendly, gentle and fun dogs anyone could ask for. However, this particular dog didn’t present well when folks came to visit. Already Continued