2020 pet magazine

Page 6 2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 They know though with the rattle of keys, they are going out the door for a ride. In nice weather, O’Hara loads them up in a pet stroller and they go around the neighborhood. “They make me take them out for walks,” said O’Hara. “They expect it. They love it. If it’s too cold, I have to tell them, no.” O’Hara also has a twin sister, Mona, who has five Yorkies of her own. As Mary explained, “When I got Ella, Mona got Ella’s brother.” Mona also had another Yorkie at the time and well, the two (not related thankfully) mated and along comes three babies. “Mona just couldn’t part with them,” said O’Hara of the three babies. So the twins, Mary and Mona, who are close siblings, have ten Yorkies between them. Mona’s kids are Prissy, Izzy, Pipi, Muffin and Opie. Still O’Hara says, “Each dog has its own personality.” She likes to dress them up in sweaters and bows, just like children. Some like the bows, some do not. Walter is very protective, but is also known to smother you with kisses, she says. While O’Hara talks to them like they are children, she says “Everyone should have a pet so you don’t get so lonely.” As for O’Hara’s husband, Brian, he says of the five kids, “They don’t just love you, Mary, they adore you.” Speaking of adoration, Kelly Aylesworth of Mount Pulaski, has made a career out of caring for and grooming animals because she simply adores them. She has a mixture of creatures at her farm in the country and she owns and operates her own grooming business, D-Tails Dog Grooming, just off the square in Mount Pulaski. Her daily life is consumed with her passion for animals. “We have two dogs, a cat, a bunny, chickens, goats, horses and a donkey,” said Aylesworth. And without a doubt, Aylesworth considers them all part of the family. As far as the benefits of having pets in the family, Aylesworth explains, “You have to be an animal lover to begin with, but I mean Prissy, Izzy, Pipi, Muffin and Opie Continued