2020 pet magazine

Page 60 2020 PET MAGAZINE LINCOLN DAILY NEWS JANUARY 23, 2020 Rainbow Bridge Pet: Tanner Bennett Crossed over the rainbow bridge March 3, 2018. Owners: Christopher and Lesleigh Bennett I adopted Winston in 2004 as an eight-week-old rescue puppy. He died in 2017. He was blind and had a lot of medical issues his last three years. He put up a good fight. He was very much a lap dog, even after he lost his sight. He will be loved forever. REMEMBERING WINSTON May his foot & ear no longer be his pain, May he be able to see & play again. At the Rainbow Bridge may we meet, Where our reunion will be a treat. Winston Hedrick April 2004 – April 17, 2017 He was a rescue puppy two ways: I rescued him, but he rescued me. Owner: Cheryl Hedrick Pet: Tasha Owner: Kim Morris